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El Camino has always been a popular route for walking or cycling, but with the filming of the film where Martin Sheen and Emilio Estevez appear, it has still become more international, with a large number of visitors from the USA. The name of this route is associated to a great adventure, to a deep knowledge of a territory rich in history and centennial culture and to the meeting of people who travel from all over the world to reach the Cathedral of Santiago where they will receive the Compostela. It is undoubtedly one of the best-known routes in the world for walking, cycling or riding.

Travel the Camino de Santiago with our guided bicycle tours

If to this adventure we add the fact of having the support of a guide who explains the details of all the monuments that we visit every day and that chooses the best restaurants to enjoy the most traditional dishes and with the richest gastronomy of the area, there is no doubt that the adventure will become a vacation to remember. In addition, in our guided travel packages to the Camino our reservations department selects the best accommodations with the category required by the precise group to ensure maximum comfort and that our clients can disconnect without having to worry about choosing accommodations and the availability of these; Something very important and with so much transit of people where the accommodations, especially in Galicia are filled with a certain speed.

To follow the same route as the people who walk it will be necessary to rent one of our mountain bikes, but we have packages that combine between length of tracks and roads with little traffic where the optimal bicycles for this package will be our hybrid bicycles. In this case there will be no need to worry about luggage as our guides will transfer luggage from one hotel to another.


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